most common ski injuries

Winter sports can be exciting and fun but they can also be dangerous. We are going to cover the most common ski injuries and what you can do to avoid them altogether. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 76,000 snow skiing-related injuries treated in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and emergency rooms in 2018. There were an additional 53,000 injuries associated with snowboarding.

What are the most common ski injuries we see?

A wide variety of injuries can occur while skiing. The most common ski injury involves the knee. However, injuries can also occur when skiers put their arms out to stop a fall, and shoulder injuries are commonly seen along with fractures around the shoulder and lower leg. Here are the most common ski injuries we see:

Knee injuries

Knee injuries are at the top of the list for most common injuries while skiing. MCL, ACL, and meniscus tears are the most common knee injuries while hitting the slopes. 

How to avoid 

You should be in good physical condition to avoid a knee injury on the slopes. Perform leg strengthening exercises and work out regularly in preparation for ski season. You should prep at least six weeks out and wear the proper gear on the slopes. This can help reduce the risk of a knee injury. 

Skiers Thumb

One of the most common hand skiing injuries is a thumb ligament tear. 

Skier’s Thumb occurs with a fall when the ski pole does not release from the hand and the pole bends the thumb in a stressful position. If you hold onto your pole while falling, there’s a good chance that you may suffer from skiers thumb. This injury occurs when the ulnar collateral ligament in your hand, also known as UCL, tears. 

How to avoid

To avoid skiers thumb drop those poles if you start falling. Another way to prevent skiers thumb is not to use your hands to brace for a fall. Placing your hand through the straps of a ski pole can also cause an injury during a fall. 

Spinal Injuries

A lack of training, excessive speed, and collisions are often the culprits of spinal injuries while skiing. There are numerous spinal injuries that can occur with any high-speed or contact sports, and spinal injuries are some of the most common injuries sustained on the slopes. 

How to avoid

Always ski at your level. Most ski injuries occur due to a lack of training and preparation. Skiing is already a thrill. Avoid adding negligence and recklessness to the sport. If you take the time to condition, wear the proper gear, and ski responsibly, you are more likely to avoid a severe injury on the slopes. 

Ski Injury? Contact OrthoManhattan.

If you have experienced any kind of skiing or other injury, reach out to the orthopedic experts at OrthoManhattan. Our goal is to get you back on your feet (or back in your boots) as soon as possible. Happy holidays and stay safe on the slopes!